Eraser Dust Art Gallery by Abigail Glass
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Eraser Dust

Art Gallery

Original Art by Abigail Glass
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Eraser dust is a byproduct of the hard work that goes into an original artwork. I decided on the name because its one of the little things that I make up my world. Of course, some projects don't involve pencils. But I like to think of "eraser dust" as an indicator of "no short cuts". I'm not tracing or photoshopping, and I rarely even use a grid. I like the free and intuitive aspect of figuring out how to freehand a sketch. And I love the way it all comes together as you build something where there was nothing before.

On this website you can buy prints of art work by Abigail Glass. This is not an actual art gallery; it's my art gallery online.

I'm an artist that's just starting a business. I am updating this website and adding new things all the time, so check back later for more stuff. Please email me if you have any questions about anything.

Take a look around my website!

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