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The Story of the Artist Behind the Artwork

Winter Drawing

         My name is Abigail Glass. I am a Christian. God is important in all parts of my life.

I'm also an artist. I didn't always consider myself an artist. Actually, for a good while I didn't even know the difference between the words "artwork" and "picture". I was pretty young at the time though, and enjoyed coloring and doodling. I never really took drawing seriously until I was 11. That's when I started wanting my drawings to look good, and not just by Mom's opinion. I started out small, with "How to" websites and Crayola pencils. I started drawing everyday, and even trying to paint. I would often create pictures to tell a story. While not all my artwork has a story, I often like to put a story into my work. Sometimes the picture is just beautiful, like a song. I very much enjoy taking some paper and a couple of sketch lines and turning it into a masterpiece. It reminds me of how God changes each of our lives into something beautiful. 

        After many full notebooks and sketchbooks, I was finally ready to show my artwork to the world. I started this site at the age of 17, going into my senior year of high school. I'm now 21 and in college. My goal is to be an art major and pursue a career in art.

        Besides art I enjoy music, math, writing stories, animals, and my dog. I starting learning to play the piano around the age of 7. If you ask me, music is art, and art is music. One is for the eyes and the other is for the ears. And I started liking math when I started PreAlgebra. I always liked animals and planned on one day being a vet or dog trainer. However I already knew I was allergic to cats, and lately found out I am allergic to dogs as well. So now the only animal allowed in my room is my pet cockatiel. I still really enjoy playing the piano, and always listen to music while working on art. 

        I hope you enjoy my artwork as much as I enjoy making it. All glory goes to God, I never could have gotten here without Him.


Hover or tap on each picture for info

Want to support me?
If you would like to support me, there are several ways to do so:
1: Share my website or page on social media. This will help my business get out in the world.
2: Buy my products. This will both help me financially and will encourage me to keep creating. I don't have many buyers so every purchase counts.
3: Tell someone about me. I know that word of mouth is powerful, so don't be shy about mentioning me or my website. 

Updates - Here's how it's going

Update January 2023

         Many things have happened since my last update. My Etsy shop is still up and has had it's first few sales. I do have the air plant necklaces listed there on the Etsy but there hasn't been any interest in them lately. As of now, the main thing i'm working on for the next few months is printed forms of my artwork and commissions. Yes, as of this months commissions are open! If you visit my Etsy you'll find various products such as phone cases and notebooks and posters. These are make to order prints made through Printify, which is an accessible way for me to sell my art no matter where I am. 

         That brings me to the next portion of my update: I've been studying abroad! I was in Israel last semester and will be headed to Japan this semester. Last semester I didn't have a ton of time for art or access to art supplies, but my hope is to make a habit to squeeze in a little time to at least draw on my iPad. The good part about Printify is I can upload designs from my iPad without needing to create something physical and ship it myself. I will probably looking into other similar platforms for my art, and would like to continue doing commissions once I return as these are one of my favorite projects to work on. 

         I feel like many of my biggest dreams have come true in such a short period of time. I traveled to the other side of the world, you can buy a puzzle with my art on it, and I've met so many great friends. I feel official as a business owner after all these years of working on it one step at a time (It's been about 5 years!). I know from here even more will happen and I have little idea of what these next months will hold. 

         I want to say thank you to everyone for the recent support for my business, especially the friends and family that have shared my work or ordered from me. It has been a huge encouragement!


Update April 2022

         Hello! If you haven't seen it yet I have opened an Etsy shop. I think this will be an easy place for me to put my creations for sale. Hopefully that does well!

         On there, you can find products I've already listed here such as the face masks and prints as well as wire wrapped jewelry! I'm in the process of uploading and figuring out the best way to ship my favorite creation as of now: air plant necklaces! I've been wearing a pair for a few weeks to make sure they are hardy and meet my standards. So far they've held up very well! They're my new favorite accessory and have gotten lots of compliments. Over the next few weeks I plan on getting these creations up on my Etsy and this site. I'll make sure to put my newest products here as well so that you don't have to go to another site to buy from me. 


        I'm impatiently waiting for the day I know more about what I'll be doing these coming months, but for now I'm working part time and making things whenever I have the energy. I'm happy to say that I have started new and so far effective treatments and I'm on track to go to Japan this fall. 


        To anyone looking to buy the air plant necklaces now and can't find them - please contact me! Since I'm still working out the details it might be a bit before I post finished products, but you can be one of the first to get an air plant. I'd be happy to create a necklace to your liking so give me an email or message me on my social media. 



Update November 2021:

        I am going to be graduating with an Art AA at the end of this year! This wasn't exactly the plan, as I was planning on transferring to an art university, but the pandemic changed all that. Right now, I'm still probably not going to be able to go to art university for a while. I also want to study abroad at a Bible college, but I can't do that until everything opens back up.

        So this means the current plan for next semester is taking time off school. This decision is partly because my health has gotten much worse over the last year. I've developed a new chronic condition / syndrome that I'm still learning to handle. Taking care of my health has become more difficult now, and I'm not sure if I'm ready to move or get a job because of it but I'm antsy to start my life and career. 

        The hope is then, if I'm not going to college or working full time I would have a lot more time for art, which I really want to be working on anyway. (I just really was looking forward to going to another countries and making new friends T-T)

         I have a plan with what I'm going to do with that time already. I'm really excited and I think/hope everyone will be happy to see the new things I have in store. Obviously, since I haven't actually done it yet, I shouldn't get hopes up but I feel like I'm ready to make a leap in my art path. I plan on finally making a logo. I put it off because nothing seemed quite right, and my idea now I think is brilliant and perfect personally, so I don't think I can wait any longer. I plan on learning/improving animations, resin art, oil painting, sculpture, and even jewelry. I know the thing this day is to have a niche but I like exploring and I don't think I'll ever stop, and I want to share my variety of creations with all of you. 

As I'm going into finals season and the last stretch of the semester, I'm not currently taking commissions or working on art much in general. You are always welcome to order products I've already made or prints, but it'll probably be until after the holiday season that I'll be open to custom orders and commissions again. I have commissions already in queue too, so while I'll do my best to meet customer requests, I ask for patience. Thank you so much for reading. I hope you have wonderful holidays!

Be sure to check back here if you want more updates in the future.

While I sometimes post updates on my social media I realize that they could easily be missed or incomplete, so here's an easy place to receive updates.

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